Great Lakes Lighthouse
Lenses and Interior Images
ID_2-465C. Containers for Wicks and Paint Cans on display inside Eagle Bluff Lighthouse -- Lake Michigan
ID_4-443C Lens Pedestal and stairs to access bulb inside 2nd Order Fresnel Lens in Grosse Point Lighthouse -- Lake Michigan
ID_5-1304C Rock of Ages 2nd Order Fresnel Lens in 1984 -- has since been removed and is on display in Windigo on Isle Royale -- Lake Superior
ID_7-918C. Old Presque Isle Lighthouse Tower Stairs -- Lake Huron
ID_9-1332C Split Rock Lighthouse 3rd Order Fresnel Lens -- Lake Superior
ID_12-4043C Stairs Inside Beaver Island Lighthouse Tower -- Lake Michigan
ID_13-451C 4th Order Fresnel Lens at Sherwood Point Lighthouse with door open to access bulb -- Lake Michigan
ID_13-481C. Railroad Lights in Munising Rear Range Light -- Lake Superior
ID_13-1334C. Tower Stairs inside Split Rock Lighthouse -- Lake Superior
ID_14-444C. Interior Door to Tower in Grosse Point Lighthouse -- Lake Michigan
ID_15-746C. Aero-beacon lens in Marquette Lighthouse -- Lake Superior
ID_15-1236B. Passage Island Lighthouse 4th Order Fresnel Lens at Sunset -- Isle Royale National Park_Lake Superior
ID_18-443C Grosse Point Lighthouse 2nd Order Fresnel Lens -- Lake Michigan
ID_20-7537C St Martin Island Lighthouse Tower with Solar Panels -- Lake Michigan
ID_23-1293B Inside Rock of Ages Lighthouse 2nd Order Fresnel Lens -- Isle Royale National Park_Lake Superior
ID_23-7017C Modern plastic Fresnel lens in Michigan Island Lighthouse -- Apostle Islands_Lake Superior
ID_25-843B Light at the top of the mast of the Huron Lightship on display in Port Huron -- Lake Huron
ID_26-923C New Presque Isle Lighthouse 3rd Order Fresnel Lens -- Lake Huron
ID_29-1237C Passage Island Lighthouse 4th Order Fresnel Lens at Night -- Isle Royale National Park_Lake Superior
ID_31-1225C Passage Island Lighthouse 4th Order Fresnel Lens -- Lake Superior fog -- Isle Royale National Park
ID_32-4040C. Interior Tower Door in Beaver Island Lighthouse -- Lake Michigan
ID_34-696C 4th Order Fresnel Lens of St Joseph North Pier Inner Light with North Pierhead Light beyond -- Lake Michigan
ID_35-1092C New Presque Isle Lighthouse Log Book -- Lake Huron
ID_35-1293B. Rainbows moved across the wall of Rock of Ages Lighthouse as its Fresnel lens rotated -- Isle Royale National Park_Lake Superior
ID_6-856C Windmill Pt Lighthouse with 6th Order Fresnel Lenss